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I’m not sure you have read this McKinsey research results about digital advertising (if you don’t want to register, access the learnings here).

The issue of rasising advertisers’ attention towards post-buy analysis of online campaigns was always something important for me. Classic marketers’ mind many times cannot process the fact that CTR and GRP cannot be compared. In the meantime, that was their biggest problem. 

I am pretty sure that marketing executives working at big or middle-size Hungarian companies used online communication channel understand what CT and CTR means and they do measure it over the online campaigns. At least 9 out of 10. I haven’t worked with 340 of them (as in McKinsey’s research) rather close to hundred. 

For me, the more important thing is rather the fact that most of them measure the effectiveness of online campaigns until the click. However, on-site post-click activities are rarely measured. But that needs more time from them and they won’t have that until the online budget rate exceeds an even more significant volume. It’s just a question of time – and education activities of digital experts. I am on it.